Healthy Habits Challenge

What is included in the Challenge? | 

     1:1 Zoom Sessions with Anna Liptak x 4
     Participate anywhere, at anytime
     Accountability to a coach
     Healthy eating tips
     Weekly Challenges
     Exercise tips
     Healthy habits - tips
     Group Support
     Private Facebook group
     Measurable results
     Links to numerous resources

The His and Her Time Challenge is about implementing healthy habits and choices into your life so that after 6 weeks you will feel happy, confident, healthy and strong.

In this Challenge you will receive all the motivation and accountability you will need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Combining daily exercise along with easy lifestyle changes, this challenge is not just about losing kilograms (but this is a great bonus!).

This Challenge it is about implementing healthy habits into your everyday lifestyle using a simple and flexible method.

With our Challenge tools you will change your daily routine to create a better quality of life for you and your family. Our Challenge has so many success stories. See below for a few of them.

***Are you ready to experience profound changes during the 6 weeks - increased energy and vitality, automatic weight loss, improved sleep and a feeling of well-being?***

We have had so many success stories.... 

Meet some of the Past Challengers

Write your awesome label here.

Register Your Interest in Upcoming Challenge!

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from previous participants in the Challenge

Write your awesome label here.

Jan Viant 

I joined the challenge after my doctor said I was heading towards being pre-diabetic and having high blood pressure. With Anna’s positive and motivating support, I have completely changed my diet and attitude towards food and after just 12 weeks I have dropped quite a few kilos and follow-up tests with my doctor has all my levels back in the healthy range again, and the bonus also of just feeling so much better too. I would recommend anyone needing a kick start back to healthy habits to join the program.
Write your awesome label here.

Kerry Sullivan

Once I began the challenge it was obvious how much unnecessary food I had been consuming and better still, I did not feel hungry which is in complete contrast to any other “diet” I have tried.
The weekly challenges got me moving again, lots of steps. Now I am running daily and take part of group fitness, which I have not been part of since prior to having my children.
I can’t express how good I feel about being able to walk into a shop and buy something that I love.
The old me didn’t believe I was a good role model to my children prior to starting this journey, now I know I am, but what was unexpected is the role model I have become to my friends and extended family.
I am so grateful to Anna, and I know with her on my side I will never slip back into my old ways… or worse still those old crappy big clothes you will find in the bin!
Write your awesome label here.

Mike Johnson

 Anna has turned me around, firstly having me think about what I put into my body and how I treat it. But she then got me moving to run multiple half marathons, and then the New York marathon, with hope to run more in the coming years. Thanks Anna! 
Write your awesome label here.

Chantel Peacock

I have also completed many of the His&HerTime challenges. Which I love, and cannot rave about enough (to anyone who will listen.)
I think everyone should complete a challenge at least once! It gives you a new energy, through really specific daily goals and then holds you accountable to them. If you have a great day, there is someone saying “Well done!” If you fall off the wagon there is someone to give you a hand back on.
It is a fun way to improve your lifestyle, making you a fitter at home and at work. It’s a win, win for me and everyone around me. I love the challenges & am self-confessed addict (in case you hadn’t guessed already).

Anna Liptak - Your Online Coach

Anna has been a health and fitness coach for the past fifteen years. Through His and Her Time Health and Fitness Pty Ltd she has assisted thousands of people to achieve goals that they never dreamed possible.
As a mother herself she knows how easy it is to lose yourself in the chaos of life.

This Challenge has been created to assist people to get back on track and build a strong healthy foundation so that they can enjoy all aspects of their life.

Anna will be there every step of the way, motivating and cheering you on.


Although we do our best to provide reliable and informative material, we cannot and do not make any representations or warranty with respect to the content on our site and apps. Use of our site, apps, and other services is done at your own risk.
The information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. Seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The content we provide is not intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Inform your physician of any changes you may make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you read on our site, app, or on our other communication channels.