Healthy Habits 35 Day Detox &
Keto Challenge

Have you tried eating healthy, only to find yourself going back to your "old ways" in just a few short weeks?
So many people I meet answer “yes” to that exact question…

And despite being unhappy, deep-down they’ve convinced themselves that nothing more can be done. 

Maybe they’ve tried to eat healthy before, or hired a personal trainer, only to burn-out a few weeks later… 

Yet in almost all cases, while they might have tried new diets or exercise regimes, the majority haven’t done the ONE THING that can transform your body into a lean, fat-burning machine.   

What is the “one thing” I’m talking about? 

It’s the Keto Diet.

Our bodies are built needing certain foods, vitamins, and minerals… and the Keto diet is the only diet that provides our body with the exact nutrition it needs to run at optimal performance (meaning it burns fat a lot quicker.)

More on that in just a second; first, let me ask you a question... 

Do You Have A Desire To Get In Shape?

A desire that you think of every single day… yet no matter how hard you try… it remains just that… a desire.

You tell yourself you’ll “start eating healthy”, or join the gym “next week”... 

But in reality, no matter how hard you try, things stay the same. 

New diets and workout plans feel great at first… but weeks, or even days later, you give in to your cravings, and end up back at square one. 

This is where the Keto diet we just mentioned can be so effective

Because the Keto diet is EXACTLY what our body needs. 

(Don’t just take my word for this - a simple “Google” search will show you it’s accepted by almost all scientists, nutritionists, and health practitioners.)
But on it’s own, the Keto diet isn’t always enough. It’s hard to know what to eat… when… how to workout…

And even on this “designed-for-our-body” diet, it often proves too much for a lot of dieters. 

Thankfully, we have a solution, and it’s called…. 

The 35-Day Detox & Keto Challenge

Anna Liptak
Hi, I'm Anna Liptak and my aim is to help people all over the world get healthy, get fit, and STAY fit with Keto dieting.

But that’s just the beginning. My team and I know that it takes more than just following a nutrition plan to transform your body, and that’s why we created the 35-Day Detox & Keto Challenge.

The 35-Day Detox & Keto Challenge is a comprehensive program that gives you everything you need to start losing weight - FAST and
 it offers a HUGE range of tools and resources, to make sure you get the results you want.
It’s all based on scientifically-proven data, and so far, we’ve helped THOUSANDS of men and women get in the best shape of their lives, and live a happier, healthier life.

And just take a moment to picture that. 

Picture yourself in just 35-days, leaner, slimmer, and packed-full of energy you haven’t felt for years. 

Imagine waking up every single morning, and feeling GREAT when you look in the mirror… 

Imagine being able see - on a near daily basis - your waistline shrinking, belly fat disappearing… WITHOUT feeling tired, fatigued, or depressed… 

And imagine how great you’ll feel when you realise it’s NOT hard to lose weight (and stay slim), when you eat the right Keto diet. 

The 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge helps your body melt away fat, restoring your self-confidence and giving you a body to be proud of.

Each morning, you’ll wake up feeling GREAT… with more energy, more motivation, and more confidence… 

And this new, healthy you is here to stay. Food cravings will be a thing of the past!

Plus, there’s a range of other health benefits you could experience, including: 

  • Decreased Cellulite…
  • Healthier, Smoother Skin…
  • Increased Cognitive Abilities…
  • Healthy Cholesterol Levels…

Skeptical? See What The 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge Has Done, For Yourself...

Markia Y.
LOST 8.5 kg
"I have just finished the healthy eating challenge and enjoyed every minute of it.
For 2 years I have been gaining up to 10 kg. I spoke with my Dr who said to diet! Watch how much I eat! ...Im by far not an unhealthy eater, I don't eat large portions and I exercise often through the week and my weight was not budging. 
This has been life changing for me. It has taught me about what my body needs, sleep, the mental aspect and how to sustain a healthy lifestyle. 
THANK YOU Anna you got me back on track ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏"
Jan V.
Senior product manager
"At 55 years old I joined the His and Her Time Healthy Habits Challenge after my doctor said I was heading towards being pre-diabetic and having high blood pressure. 
With recipes, menu plans, shopping lists, weekly challenges and the accountability of weigh-ins every 2 weeks and with Anna’s positive and motivating support and reminders of my goals for the challenge, I have completely changed my diet and attitude towards food.
After just 12 weeks I have dropped quite a few kilos and follow-up tests with my doctor have all my levels back in the healthy range again, and the bonus also of just feeling so much better too. 
I would recommend anyone needing a kick start back to healthy habits to join the program."
Karen B.
Senior product manager
"Building new healthy habits into my day and week has been the biggest sustainable shift for me during this challenge, thanks so much Anna for the layering of these throughout the program which has meant that I’m habit stacking without even realising it! I’ve achieved my goals of weight lose but more than that, this challenge has really helped me to have a different relationship with food and a greater appreciation of how to fuel my body . I’m lighter, sleep better, clearer skin, more energy, and more confident on the inside that I’m on the right path! Thanks so much Anna, you’re such an inspirational coach!!"
Summer is Fast Approaching…
And I’ve got just one question for you.


Are you ready to get - and STAY - in shape, without eating a diet barely suitable for a small child?   

Are you ready to feel confidence you’ve never felt before? The kind of confidence that lets you undress without worrying your partner’s looking at you in disgust. 

Are you ready to look, and FEEL better than at ANY OTHER MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE? 
Good. Then click the big button below to begin your transformation. 

Shift Your Body Into “Fat-Burning Mode” With The 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge

FINALLY, you’ll be able to sculpt that dream figure you’ve always wanted…
And all while feeling happier, more-confident, and more energetic! 
Here’s a “sneak peek” at some of what’s inside: 
  • The Amazing “Unlimited Workouts” That Melt Away a TON of Fat but that don’t feel like exercise… letting you get slim, healthy, and fat-free, without torturing yourself in the gym…

  • Weekly Challenges. Participate in exciting weekly challenges designed to keep you engaged in the challenge.

  • Personal Zoom Sessions With Anna. Book up to 3 one-on-one zoom sessions with Anna talking about your health transformation journey. + A bonus group session.

  • A Complete 10-Day Total Mind & Body Detox + 21-Day Keto Meal Plan. All meals are simple and easy-to-prepare… and they taste GREAT - no cooking experience required! (and of course, it's dietician approved).

  • Weekly “Print & Go” Grocery Lists So You Know Exactly What To Buy… 

  • Complete Keto Success: A comprehensive resource manual that shows you the best ways to keep motivated… even when you feel like giving up… 

  • Exclusive Access To Our Private Facebook Group!Meet other people transforming their body, asking questions, share experiences, and get advice; our private Facebook group gives you the support, and accountability you need to fast-track your weight-loss success!

    And that’s only a fraction of what you get when you join the challenge.

Does A Thinner, Leaner, Healthier Body Sound Good To You?

Then join the 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge today by clicking below!

You’ll get immediate access to the resources and materials, and the only thing left, is to get ready.

Because things are about to change. 

You’re about to start transforming your body into the ultimate “fat-burning-machine”...  

You're about to start sculpting your dream body… your dream physique…  

And you know what I think you’ll like the most? 

Not only will you look great… 

You’ll FEEL great. 

No more ‘getting out of breath from everyday tasks’... 

No more excuses about getting undressed in front of your partner… 

You’ll want to show OFF your body! 

The 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge works. And it works a LOT better than anything else out there. Why? Well, there’s a few reasons:
  • It’s based on actual science.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: It transforms your body from a sugar-harbouring machine, to a slick, well-oiled fat burning machine. 
  • It’s designed to fit around busy, modern-day lifestyles.
  • The meal plans ensure you don’t experience cravings an hour or two after eating.
And it has proven itself, time and time again, to be unanimously effective. Here’s more proof of what it can do:
To get started click below for instant access:
See you on the inside,
Anna Liptak
The Anna Liptak Team

P.S. Skeptical? I don’t blame you. But I want to put your mind at ease, so I’m going to take away ALL the risk by offering you my 100% money-back guarantee. Join the 30-Day Detox & Keto Challenge, and if you don’t get the results you want, I’ll refund every cent you paid. No questions asked. Click on the links above to get instant access - there’s no risk, and a LOT to gain!